
Fully updated and with completely reworked text and images, this is the Fourth Edition of the acclaimed The Mammals of Australia.

Strahan’s Mammals of Australia
 is the best book available on the subject, being the most definitive, comprehensive and up-to-date. It provides a written account of every species of native mammal known to have existed in Australia since European settlement, with 403 species covered in total. It is beautifully illustrated with more than 1,500 colour photographs, while each species account includes a detailed description of the animal and its behaviour. Species covered range from marsupials, monotremes and rodents through to bats, seals and whales.

The new edition sees the addition of 14 newly described species and includes all the latest taxonomic treatments and many changes to names (common and scientific) and other features that have been accepted in the 14 years that have passed since the publication of the Third Edition.


Additional information

Weight 2.975 kg
Dimensions 26.5 × 19 × 6 cm


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