In 1957 the Nowland coach travelled to South Australia for the filming of Robbery under arms.
Many movies have been made in and around Hawker and the Flinders Ranges. In 1957 "Robbery Under Arms" was made around Wilpena and between Hawker and Quorn at Willochra.
The hut is not there now it was bunt down when some people camped in the hut and the chimney caught fire.
The photo above show the coach on a truck near the Post Office and Institute (Town Hall) in Hawker
My reference is from Sydney Living Museums
"In 1957 the Nowland coach travelled to South Australia for the filming of Robbery Under Arms, in which it appears, badged as the ‘Royal Mail’. In a scene (44 minutes into the film) that would send shivers down a museum curator’s spine, it races along a winding dirt road before being held up by bushranger ‘Captain Starlight’ (played by Peter Finch) and his gang. In 1976 the coach was transferred to the Gulgong Pioneer Museum, then in 1980 moved again to the National Museum in Canberra"

Robbery Under Arms Hut Willochra