Self Drive Four Wheel Drive Tracks
The Flinders Ranges has Public Access Routes (PAR)s and Self Drive Private Property tracks.
In the Central Flinders the PARs are Copper King Mine, Nuccaleena Mine and Artimore and Patawarta Gap and Warraweena.
The Private property tracks
Alpana Station (08) 86484626
Arkapena 4WD track (08) 86480030
Merna Mora Station (08)86484717
Willow Springs Skytrek (08)86480016
Worumba Experience (08)86484037
Hilltop (08)86484022
There are many four wheel drive tracks around the Flinders region.
One of Australia’s most scenic and wonderfully diverse regions, the
Flinders Ranges are a must for any 4WD enthusiast. Its peaceful and
awe-inspiring landscape of rugged jag-edged mountains, river red gum
lined gorges and ever-changing colours both humble and inspire. Wildlife
is abundant here, with kangaroos, lizards, emus and wedge-tailed eagles
a common sight.
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